BDO Corporate Finance (WA) Pty Ltd ABN 27 124 031 045 (‘we’ or ‘us’ or ‘ours’ as appropriate) has been engaged by Ascot Resources Limited (‘Ascot’) to provide an independent expert’s… read more →
TIME: 10.00am (Perth time) DATE: 23 May 2014 PLACE: BDO Australia 38 Station Street Subiaco Western Australia 6008 Notice of Extraordinary General Meeting
Diversified explorer and developer Ascot Resources (ASX: AZQ) (“Ascot” or “the Company”) welcomes the news that the Port Hedland Port Authority (“PHPA”) is considering Lumsden Point as a trans-shipping facility. Ascot Welcomes… read more →
Ascot Resources Limited (ASX: AZQ) (Ascot or the Company) refers to its announcement of 6 March 2014 and confirms that, on 17 March 2014, it issued 9,803,922 fully paid ordinary… read more →
Ascot Resources Limited (Ascot or the Company) (ASX: AZQ) is pleased to announce it has executed a binding agreement (the Agreement) to wholly acquire the Wonmunna Iron Ore Project (Wonmunna or… read more →
Ascot Resources Limited (Ascot or the Company) (ASX: AZQ) is pleased to advise that the Company has completed the acquisition of a 100% interest in the Wonmunna Iron Ore Project (the… read more →